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Figuring out your Ayurvedic body type" provides a clear first step.

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Ayurvedic Food Choices for Doshic Balance

Forget the trends, embrace ancient wisdom for a healthier, happier you..

Ayurveda might sound fancy, but it's all about natural living based on a super old (like, really old) system of Indian medicine.

Exploring ayurvedic food choice!

Embrace the Ayurvedic lifestyle for a healthier you.

Learn about doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha— elements believed to govern various physiological and psychological functions in the body.

Associated with the elements of air and ether, Vata governs movement and is responsible for functions such as breathing, circulation, and communication in the body.

Pitta, the dosha embodying fire and water elements, is the epitome of heat, intensity, and transformation. Imagine the burning sun or a powerful digestive fire – that's the essence of Pitta

Kapha dosha is composed of water and earth elements, embodies structure, stability, and groundedness. Imagine a calm lake or a sturdy mountain – that's the essence of Kapha.